What’s in the Basket Now…

Well it’s been awhile, but my day job took over, and I really miss my cat :(

So since I’m always interested in other peoples’ knitting baskets, I thought I would post mine:


There’s a pale blue cotton hoodie in Lang Denim there, waiting for crocheted button loops, and buttons.  There’s my fleece artist zambezi mohair skein in the back corner.  There’s the Sericin Silkworks 100% cashmere ball of sky blue in the ziploc there, (more on that in the next post.)

If you look closely, you can just see my sheep peeking out of my notions :)


I have finished 2 sweaters and a pair of slippers in the last 2 months.  Pictures of Lauren’s Back-To-School Hoodie, and my Illimani Royal1 Alpaca sweater will be posted next time:)  Right now, I am most excited about the final touches on the Rouge Sheep.  Behold:

Here’s the short row collar stand:


Here it is again, during its assembly to the body of the coat:


All the pieces, waiting to be assembled:


And a gratuitous cat picture of Temoo rolling in the sweater:


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